Take Charge
Of Your Future!

What You Need To Know This November!

Your vote is more powerful than you think. This November, the choices you make at the ballot box will directly impact your family, your business, and your wallet. Our mission is to empower and educate you by providing the tools you need to make informed decisions. From crucial propositions that could become law, to issues like abolition of scholarship accounts and potential all-electric mandates, your vote will shape the future. Some measures may benefit you, while others could have negative consequences if overlooked. Remember, you have the power to decide what laws pass. Make sure to stay informed and make your voice count!

Why Should Hispanics Support Proposition 314 “Secure Our Border Act” for a Safer Community?

How Can Proposition 135 “Emergency Declarations Amendment”, Benefit Hispanic Communities in Arizona?

How Can Proposition 312 Benefit Hispanic Business Owners?

Protect Our Children: Support Prop 313 for Life Imprisonment of Child Sex Traffickers

How Can Proposition 140 Affect Our Future Elections?

Feeling the Squeeze of Inflation?

The Importance of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs)

How Future Gas Bans Affect Hispanic Communities?

Proposition 314

Why Should Hispanics Support Proposition 314 “Secure Our Border Act” for a Safer Community?

DID YOU KNOW that the border crisis is a humanitarian issue of unprecedented proportions? Over 15 million people from around the world have arrived in America. Have you considered how this affects not only the nation but also Hispanic communities?

Provisions included in Prop 314 are:

Making it a state crime to cross the border illegally, toughening penalties for fentanyl sales, particularly when linked to fatalities and criminalizing the use of false documents to access jobs or public benefits.

Enhance Public Safety

Proposition 314 targets illegal activities such as drug and human trafficking, making our communities safer by reducing the flow of dangerous substances like fentanyl.

Protect Vulnerable Migrants

By discouraging illegal entry, the proposition will reduce the risk of migrants being exploited, trafficked, or subjected to violence. As per Customs and Border Protection since 2021, there have been 9 million encounters nationwide and over 7.4 million encounters at the Southwest border.

Support Border Communities

It helps alleviate the strain on border communities facing challenges due to high numbers of undocumented migrants.

Reduce Financial Burden

The proposition aims to ease the financial impact on taxpayers by curbing costs associated with providing services to undocumented migrants. This includes costs related to food, shelter, healthcare, and more. The influx of migrants has put a strain on cities increasing costs for all residents. Some of the industries that are affected include higher car insurance and hospital rates and other areas.

Reduce the Deaths by Fentanyl

According to the Department of Homeland Security, in February 2024 alone, 1,185 pounds of fentanyl coming across the border were seized—enough to kill millions.

Don't Ignore it!

This crisis involves human trafficking, with children being trafficked and many women being raped. Fentanyl is pouring through our border, becoming our nation’s leading cause of death. People pay cartels thousands of dollars to cross, and many die in the attempt.

How it affects your pocketbook?

Look at cities like New York, Denver, and Chicago—they are struggling under the financial burden of providing food, housing, and other services for migrants. As a result, the economy suffers, for example hospital services become more expensive, and your city may raise taxes or cut benefits to pay for these expenses. Should this prop passes, it will be saving taxpayers’ dollars.

Let's Take Action!

By voting for Proposition 314, you can help create a safer, fairer community and protect the future of Hispanic families and communities.

Proposition 135

How Can Proposition 135 “Emergency Declarations Amendment”, Benefit Hispanic Communities in Arizona?

Limits on Emergency Powers

Proposition 135 would shift emergency decision-making power after 30 days from the governor to the legislature, ensuring more balanced and considered actions during crises.

Protecting Families and Businesses

By preventing prolonged school closures and business shutdowns, this measure helps protect the economic stability and well-being of Hispanic families and business owners. Remember during COVID? Children had limited socialization, and reduced access to optimized education, businesses had irreparable losses because of closures, and it had an adverse effect in many areas of our lives, including depression and seniors having to delay medical treatments. We need a more sensible and sustainable approach to prevent that the above happens again.

Proposition 312

How Can Proposition 312 Benefit Hispanic Business Owners?

Property Tax Refunds

Proposition 312 offers refunds for businesses impacted by public nuisances such as loitering, public use of illegal substances, illegal camping, public urination, obstruction of passages and others, if their local government has not addressed these properly. This prop will help owners recover costs and reinvest in their businesses.

Promotes a Safer Business Environment

Prop 312 incentivizes local governments to act more effectively on public nuisance issues, fostering a more stable and prosperous business climate. Supporting this measure aligns with the interests of Hispanic entrepreneurs by promoting a business-friendly environment, enhancing property value, and ensuring a safer community.

Proposition 313

Protect Our Children: Support Prop 313 for Life Imprisonment of Child Sex Traffickers

DID YOU KNOW that as per the UN, United States is one of the most active countries in regards to sex trafficking!

Keep Our Kids Safe!

Proposition 313 offers crucial protection for Hispanic communities by enforcing strict penalties on child sex traffickers. By mandating a life sentence without parole for these offenders, the measure serves as a strong deterrent against exploitation and abuse, particularly targeting vulnerable populations and ensuring they can never harm our children again.

Strong Deterrent

Harsh penalties help deter criminals from exploiting and abusing vulnerable children, especially in our Hispanic communities.

Safer Neighborhoods

By supporting Prop 313, we can create a safer environment for our families and uphold our values of justice and protection.

Support Victims

This measure ensures justice for victims and demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding children and families throughout Arizona.

Let's Take Action! Your Support is Crucial!

Tell others and support Prop 313!

Proposition 140

How Can Proposition 140 Affect Our Future Elections?

Prop 140 is a sprawling measure that makes 15 separate amendments to the state constitution to enact California-style election schemes like Jungle Primaries and Ranked Choice Voting in Arizona.

Gives All Power to One Partisan Politician

This poorly drafted measure gives all power to one partisan politician, the Secretary of State, to decide how many candidates appear on the general election ballot for every single election, including his own.

Removes Choice of Vote

Jungle primaries result in candidates from only one party appearing on the general election ballot, stripping many voters of any choice at all.

Confusing Ballots

Prop 140 will result in a patchwork ballot, where some candidates operate under one set of rules, and others under a completely different California style system. For some elections you will vote for one candidate, and the very next race you will rank all of the candidates.

More Errors

This confusing scheme leads to more errors, longer lines at the polls, and has led to the wrong candidate being declared the winner.


Feeling the Squeeze of Inflation?

IT’S TIME TO PAY ATTENTION to who you vote for. Make your voice count! Stop inflation! National polls conducted by Univision revealed that inflation and economy is the most pressing issue among Hispanics, and this year as per Unidosus poll 54% of Hispanics believe inflation is the most important issue.

Remember When Gas was Cheaper?

Do you miss the days when a gallon of gas was under $2?

Struggling at the Supermarket?

Are you finding it harder to afford the groceries your family needs? Choosing between foods?

How's Your Business Holding Up?

Is your business feeling the pinch with rising costs and fewer customers?

Rent Going Through the Roof?

Is your rent increasing beyond your means, making it tough to keep up?

It's Time to Take Action! Make Your Voice Count! Let's fight for a more affordable future! Vote wisely and make your voice heard!

Your vote can make a difference in tackling inflation and protecting your wallet. Stop the Rising Costs! Stand up against inflation and choose leaders who will prioritize economic stability.

Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs)

The Importance of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs)

(ESAs) provide vital support to Hispanic families, offering access to quality education options that can shape a brighter future for our children. If ESAs were eliminated, many Hispanic families would face limited educational choices, forcing parents with financial disadvantages to enroll their children only in public schools, potentially hindering our children’s opportunities for academic success and growth. Education should be tailored to the child not the other way around.

Educational Opportunities

ESAs provide Hispanic families with funds to access quality education, ensuring children have the best opportunities for success. Because education should be tailored to the child and no the other way around.

Financial Support

Every child in Arizona can receive up to $7,000 for alternative education, easing the financial burden on families.

Stand Together

Your vote for those that support ESAs is crucial for its preservation. Let’s make our voices heard! Before is too late.

It's Time to Take Action!

As per Goldwater Institute in 2023 more than 56,000 students participated in the ESAs program.

Gas Bans

How future Gas Bans Affect Hispanic Communities?

Imagine if everyone had an electric car? How could transportation and delivery industries be sustainable? Furthermore, farming, landscaping, restaurants and hospitality industries could not survive without gas powered devices. Most restaurants use gas stoves! If you don’t pay attention the federal government and/or local governments could take away your access to gas devices. Here are important points:

Increased Costs

Gas bans can lead to higher energy prices, making it more expensive for Hispanic families to heat their homes, cook meals, and fuel their vehicles.

Impact on Jobs

The gas industry provides jobs for many, including Hispanic workers. Banning gas can lead to job losses in the industry and related sectors, affecting family incomes.

Higher Costs

For those business relying on gas-powered vehicles, bans could increase operational costs. Having only electric vehicles would not be sustainable.

Your Voice Matters

Consider how gas bans might impact your family’s budget, your business and job opportunities. Make informed choices, be aware of governments that want to ban gas powered devices.


Hispanic Liberty Alliance | All Rights Reserved | A project of the AZ Liberty Network.