Vote YES on Prop 309 | Creating Universal Voter ID in Arizona to ensure that no matter how you vote, when you vote, or where you vote, you will be required to provide identification. Voter ID requirements are commonsense, help ensure the integrity of our elections, and protect the ballot of every qualified Arizona voter.

Requires Voter ID on Mail-in Ballots

Improves Voter ID Requirements for In-Person Voters

Prevents Ballot Harvesting by Enhancing Voter ID Requirements for In-Person Ballot Drop Off

Provides a FREE Voter ID Option to Lawfully Registered Arizona Voters Who Need it for Voting

Voters do not have to choose between secure elections or accessible elections. Easy to vote and hard to cheat – that’s the benchmark for elections.

In Arizona, voters have many ways to exercise their right to vote:

Voters do not have to choose between secure elections or accessible elections. Easy to vote and hard to cheat – that’s the benchmark for elections.

In Arizona, voters have many ways to exercise their right to vote:

Voters do not have to choose between secure elections or accessible elections. Easy to vote and hard to cheat – that’s the benchmark for elections.

In Arizona, voters have many ways to exercise their right to vote:


Voters can vote on election day in-person in precinct poll locations and numerous voting centers in their county.


Voters can vote early in-person beginning 27 days before an election.


Voters can vote by mail either perpetually or through a one-time request – no excuse required.


Voters can vote on election day in-person in precinct poll locations and numerous voting centers in their county.


Voters can vote early in-person beginning 27 days before an election.


Voters can vote by mail either perpetually or through a one-time request – no excuse required.

Arizona law “makes it quite easy for residents to vote”

– Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in Brnovich v. DNC upholding two Arizona election integrity laws.

Voter ID is a common-sense and critical election integrity practice. Arizonans provide basic identification in their daily lives to purchase alcohol or cigarettes, obtain a driver’s license, board a commercial flight, donate blood, open a bank account, purchase a firearm, receive unemployment benefits, obtain auto insurance, purchase or rent a home, among many other transactions.

That’s why when Arizonans vote in person, they must show ID.

If passed by the voters in 2022, this initiative:

Voter ID is a common-sense and critical election integrity practice. Arizonans provide basic identification in their daily lives to purchase alcohol or cigarettes, obtain a driver’s license, board a commercial flight, donate blood, open a bank account, purchase a firearm, receive unemployment benefits, obtain auto insurance, purchase or rent a home, among many other transactions.

That’s why when Arizonans vote in person, they must show ID.

If passed by the voters in 2022, this initiative:

Improves existing in-person Voter ID requirements. (Section 8)

Improves existing in-person Voter ID requirements. (Section 8)

Establishes Voter ID for mail-in ballots, by requiring the voter provide date of birth and either the last four digits of their Social Security Number, Arizona Driver’s License number, or Arizona non-operating identification number in addition to their signature on their mail-in ballot affidavit. (Sections 4 and 7)

Establishes Voter ID for mail-in ballots, by requiring the voter provide date of birth and either the last four digits of their Social Security Number, Arizona Driver’s License number, or Arizona non-operating identification number in addition to their signature on their mail-in ballot affidavit. (Sections 4 and 7)

Deters Ballot Harvesting by enhancing voter ID requirements. (Section 9)

Deters Ballot Harvesting by enhancing voter ID requirements. (Section 9)

Provides a FREE Voter ID option to lawfully registered Arizona voters who need it for voting. (Section 10)

Provides a FREE Voter ID option to lawfully registered Arizona voters who need it for voting. (Section 10)

With this initiative, no matter how you vote, when you vote, or where you vote, you will be required to provide identification.

States around the country require Voter ID on mail-in ballots too.

States around the country require Voter ID on mail-in ballots too.

States around the country require Voter ID on mail-in ballots too.

Minnesota and Georgia require the same or similar identification requirements as this initiative does on the voter’s ballot affidavit.

Minnesota and Georgia require the same or similar identification requirements as this initiative does on the voter’s ballot affidavit.

North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Florida require identification similar to this initiative be included on every application for an absentee ballot.

North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Florida require identification similar to this initiative be included on every application for an absentee ballot.

Rhode Island requires ballot affidavits to be notarized, where the voter would first show ID to a Notary Public. Alabama requires a notary or two witnesses and identification on mail-in ballots.

Rhode Island requires ballot affidavits to be notarized, where the voter would first show ID to a Notary Public. Alabama requires a notary or two witnesses and identification on mail-in ballots.

Identification on mail in ballots works in other states and it will work in Arizona too.

Identification on mail in ballots works in other states and it will work in Arizona too.

Identification on mail in ballots works in other states and it will work in Arizona too.

Statewide polling from April 7-9 of this year shows that an overwhelming majority of Arizona voters support Voter ID requirements, with support from every race and ethnicity and a majority of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats.



Requiring all voters to provide identification in order to vote.

Requiring all voters to provide identification in order to vote.

Voter Breakdown:

Now is the time for Universal Voter ID in Arizona.

Now is the time for Universal Voter ID in Arizona.

Now is the time for Universal Voter ID in Arizona.

Supported by:


Paid for by Arizonans for Voter ID. Sponsored by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club.